Thu, 8 August 2024
Collective Grieving in Art: A Seminar on Transoceanic Collaboration toward Repair
Jung Joon Lee
A seminar on the multisensorial and affective experiences of art making and viewing in Asian diasporas.
A seminar on the multisensorial and affective experiences of art making and viewing in Asian diasporas.
A lecture on Korean photographer Yong Suk Kang’s long forgotten 1982 camptown photography series, From Dongducheon, and the racial capitalism undergirding camptown service economies.
The Power Institute's regular reading group, focusing on new ideas and research in art history and visual culture.
A conversation with Philip Brophy, Helen Hughes and Ivan Cerecina to mark the publication of a new anthology of Brophy's art writing.
A panel conversation to launch the book Chinese Toggles: Culture in Miniature (2024).
A seminar on developing and sustaining a degrowth culture through local community networks of care.
A seminar with Japanese art historians Yukio Lippit and Melissa McCormick, presenting their recent research
A lecture about the 21st century politics of art, work and the artwork, to mark the publication of a major new volume of writings by artist Ian Burn, edited by Ann Stephen.
A presentation on contemporary art's capacity to supplant Western art's illusion of universality.
A lecture on the importance of community-art projects in contemporary Japanese art.