The University of Sydney has honoured Alan Cholodenko: influential writer, theorist and teacher in art history and film studies.
This week, the University of Sydney honoured Dr Alan Cholodenko for his outstanding contributions to the University, admitting him as an Honorary Fellow.
Dr Cholodenko first began teaching at the University in 1978, and quickly became a pivotal figure in the development of art and film history and theory at the University, including through the creation of the still thriving discipline of Film Studies.
As a teacher he shaped a generation of minds by elucidating the complexities of French poststructuralist and postmodernist thought, and through his classes on philosophy, art and film. As a scholar, Dr Cholodenko has made a rich contribution to each of these fields, and is especially known for his pioneering work on animation.
To join the University's honouring of Dr Cholodenko, and to help introduce new readers to his work, we have prepared a "Selected Bibliography" of his writings in English. We encourage you to follow the links below and explore his work!
Alan Cholodenko
A Selected Bibliography of Texts in English
- Alan Cholodenko (ed.), The Illusion of Life: Essays on Animation (Power Institute and the Australian Film Commission, 1991):
- "Introduction";
- "Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or The Framing of Animation".
- Interview of Jean Baudrillard by Ted Colless, David Kelly and Alan Cholodenko, in Jean Baudrillard, The Evil Demon of Images (Power Institute, 1987).
- Alan Cholodenko (ed.) and Samuel Weber, Mass Mediauras: Form, Technics, Media (Power Publications and Stanford University Press, 1996).
- "OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR: The Virtual Reality of Jurassic Park and Jean Baudrillard", in Nicholas Zurbrugg (ed.), Jean Baudrillard, Art and Artefact (Sage Publications in association with the Institute of Modern Art, 1994).
- "The Illusion of The Beginning: A Theory of Drawing and Animation", Afterimage (2000).
- “The Logic of Delirium, or the Fatal Strategies of Antonin Artaud and Jean Baudrillard”, in Edward Scheer (ed.), 100 Years of Cruelty: Essays on Artaud (Power Institute, 2000).
- "Apocalyptic Animation: In the Wake of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Godzilla and Baudrillard", in Victoria Grace, Heather Worth and Laurence Simmons (eds.), Baudrillard West of the Dateline (Dunmore Press, 2003).
- "'The Borders of Our Lives': Frederick Wiseman, Jean Baudrillard, and the Question of The Documentary", International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (2004).
- "The Crypt, the Haunted House, of Cinema", Cultural Studies Review (2004).
- "Still Photography?", Afterimage (2005).
- "The Nutty Universe of Animation, The "Discipline" of All "Disciplines", and That's Not All, Folks!", International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (2006).
- Alan Cholodenko (ed.), The Illusion of Life 2: More Essays on Animation (Power Institute, 2007):
- "Introduction";
- "Speculations on the Animatic Automaton".
- "(The) Death (of) the Animator, or the Felicity of Felix”, Part I:” Kingdom of Shadows", Animation Studies (2007).
- “(The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix”, Part II: “A Difficulty in the Path of Animation Studies”, Animation Studies (2007).
- "The Spectre in the Screen", Animation Studies (2007).
- "THE FUTUR◊FALL RAP", International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (2007).
- "The Animation of Cinema", The Semiotic Review of Books (2008).
- "Animation—Film and Media Studies' 'Blind Spot'", Society for Animation Studies Newsletter (2008).
- "Why Animation, Alan?", University of Illinois Press Blog (2008).
- "Animation (Theory) as the Poematic: A Reply to the Cognitivists", Animation Studies (2009).
- "Jean Rouch's Les Maîtres Fous: Documentary of Seduction, Seduction of Documentary", in William Rothman (ed.), Three Documentary Filmmakers (2009).
- "An Interview with Alan Cholodenko", International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (2009).
- "The 'ABCs' of B, Or: To Be and Not to Be B", Film-Philosophy (2010).
- “(The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix’” Part III: “Death and the Death of Death”, in Chris Bowman (ed.), Selected Writings From the UTS: Sydney International Animation Festival 2010 Symposium (University of Technology Sydney, 2011).
- "‘First Principles’" of Animation”, in Karen Beckman (ed.), Animating Film Theory (Duke University Press, 2014).
- "The Animator as Artist, the Artist as Animator", Animation Studies (2015).
- "'Computer Says No'", or: The Erasure of the Human", in Brad Buckley and John Conomos (eds.), Erasure: The Spectre of Cultural Memory (Libri Publishing, 2015).
- "The Expanding Universe of Animation (Studies)", Animation Studies Journal Online (2016).
- "'Like Tears in Rain’: The Crypt, the Haunted House, of Animation and Memory in the Era of Hyperreality", Animation Studies (2020).

Alan Cholodenko and Jean Baudrillard, on the occasion of Baudrillard's lecture at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, 6 May 1994

Alan Cholodenko and Jacques Derrida, in the film Derrida (2002), directed by Amy Kofman Ziering and Kirby Dick.

Alan Cholodenko and Jean Baudrillard, on the night of Baudrillard's lecture "The Evil Demon of Images", at the Power Institute, 25 July 1984.